Business phone systems and numbers from Callagenix
At Callagenix, we've got your number.
One of the lucky breaks with this crisis was that we were just about to roll out our Crisis Line solution which had been set up and tested 1 month ahead of the Buncefield fire. It is a cost-effective low…
Having one service provider for all our inbound global telephony needs has really simplified our internal processes, saving on administration costs. In addition to the administration savings, the…
Whatever storage timeframe is chosen activates an “x month moving window” e.g. If 12 months storage is chosen, a 12 month moving window will be activated allowing old, month 1 recordings to be…
Callagenix. Strength in numbers.
Callagenix. Strength in numbers.
Callagenix. Strength in numbers.
Callagenix. Strength in numbers.
In October 2022 we reported on Ofcom’s Autumn Connected Nations update which, amongst other matters, highlighted the increasing
It’s only a few short weeks since we wrote about the dangers of number spoofing but a recent incident shows only too well how
When times get tough it is good to know that charities are there to help to provide much needed support and assistance. But if