Call recording solutions for business
You wouldn't send a letter to a client without keeping a copy, so you should keep records of phone calls, too.
Use our call recording solution if you're legally required to record and store your calls or if you prefer to do so for training purposes to ensure high standards.
Our recording service will record and store securely all your inbound or outbound calls. Find recordings quickly and easily without additional hardware or software.
Search by,
- Date range of call
- Time of call
- Callers number or who took the call
- Plus a custom search field.
In addition to recording and storing phone calls, you can add voicemails and fax documents.
Calls can be stored for as little as a month, or for many years, with some clients storing them for over 7 years.
Call recording and storage plans start from as little as £34.20 per month.
Free trial
Callagenix clients with a live telephone number can enjoy a one-month free trial.
Discover the power and convenience of our call recording solutions here.